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A2 Open City Hall

Do you support filling gaps in the sidewalk system along Fuller Court and Nixon Road/Traver Boulevard ?

Thank you for participating!

The Fuller Court Sidewalk Gap Project includes the filling of sidewalk gaps on Fuller Ct. (south side) from Fuller Road to 2250 Fuller Ct., construction is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2021. The University of Michigan has chosen not to participate in the construction of the sidewalk adjacent to their property (at the corner of Fuller Road and Fuller Court) due to COVID-related budgetary issues. Therefore, this portion of the project has been removed. 

Council moved to reconsider the Nixon/Traver sidewalk gap project at their June 15, 2020 meeting, and postponed the Resolution #4 until December 2020. With the approval by voters of the New Sidewalk Millage, this project will be reprioritized against other sidewalk gap needs and rescheduled for a future date. 

Additional information is available on the project webpage. To be added to an email list for further project updates email c[email protected].