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A2 Open City Hall

What transportation features would you like to see on Barton Drive?

209 registered responses

Do you live or own property near the project area (Barton Drive from M-14 to Pontiac)?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 64.6% 135
No 35.4% 74

How do you currently use the Barton Drive corridor? (M-14 to Pontiac) (check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Walking 58.9% 123
Bicycling 56.9% 119
Driving 90.0% 188
Other 7.7% 16

How would you like to use the Barton Drive corridor? (M-14 to Pontiac) (check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Walking 71.5% 148
Bicycling 77.3% 160
Riding the bus 21.3% 44
Driving 81.6% 169
Other 5.8% 12

How important is it to make road changes along Barton Drive that improve conditions for people biking and walking? Check the box that most closely represents your view.

Response Percent Response Count
Very important 76.6% 160
Somewhat important 13.4% 28
Not important 10.0% 21

How important is it to make road changes along Barton Drive that improve conditions for people driving? Check the box that most closely represents your view.

Response Percent Response Count
Very important 37.9% 78
Somewhat important 30.6% 63
Not important 31.6% 65

What part of this project are you most interested in? (choose 2)

Response Percent Response Count
Impacts caused by construction 21.1% 44
Water Service Improvements 7.2% 15
Active Transportation Features (Bike Lanes, Sidewalks, Crosswalks) 83.7% 175
Financial impacts to property owners (i.e., Special Assessments) 10.5% 22
Intersection Changes 41.1% 86
Other 8.1% 17

What is your preference for the proposed bike lane(s) on Barton Drive between Brede and Pontiac? (marked in yellow on the map above)

Response Percent Response Count
No bike lanes, maintain on-street parking on both sides 13.7% 28
Install bike lanes on both sides, remove on-street parking 75.0% 153
Install westbound (toward M-14) bike lane only, maintain parking on eastbound side 4.4% 9
Install eastbound (toward Plymouth Road) bike lane only, maintain parking on westbound side 6.9% 14

Zone 1 - Brede to Pontiac (marked in blue on the map above): This area is identified in the city's Capital Improvement Plan and has a sidewalk prioritization rating of mid/high. Per city code, adjacent property owners be responsible for the full cost of the installation.  

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly in favor 57.7% 120
In favor 22.1% 46
Neutral 11.1% 23
Opposed 2.9% 6
Strongly opposed 6.3% 13

Zone 2 - M-14 to 221 Barton (marked in pink on the map above): Staff has received a petition from residents in this area requesting sidewalk installation. Per city code, adjacent property owners would be responsible for the full cost of the installation. 

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly in favor 50.0% 104
In favor 18.8% 39
Neutral 17.8% 37
Opposed 3.8% 8
Strongly opposed 9.6% 20

Zone 3 - Barton and Starwick (marked in yellow on the map above): This sidewalk is proposed as part of an intersection reconfiguration, requested by Safe Routes to School (SRTS). Per city code, adjacent property owners would be responsible for the full cost of the installation. 

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly in favor 56.0% 116
In favor 21.3% 44
Neutral 13.5% 28
Opposed 2.9% 6
Strongly opposed 6.3% 13

Zone 4 - 221 Barton to Brede (marked in green): This would only be considered if Zone 2 is also installed; subject to technical feasibility. This sidewalk is along the rear of the lot, the City does not typically assess adjacent property owners to pay for sidewalk installation in those instances.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly in favor 48.6% 101
In favor 20.7% 43
Neutral 17.3% 36
Opposed 2.4% 5
Strongly opposed 11.1% 23

What is your preference at the Barton and Pontiac intersection?

Response Percent Response Count
Maintain the current configuration. 17.2% 35
Install designated left-hand turn lane on Barton going eastbound (toward Plymouth Road) 76.4% 155
Neither 6.4% 13
Valerie Shinabarger inside ward 1
October 2, 2019, 4:10 PM
  • Do you live or own property near the project area (Barton Drive from M-14 to Pontiac)?
    • Yes
  • How do you currently use the Barton Drive corridor? (M-14 to Pontiac) (check all that apply)
    • Walking
    • Bicycling
    • Driving
    • Other - Running
  • How would you like to use the Barton Drive corridor? (M-14 to Pontiac) (check all that apply)
    • Walking
    • Bicycling
    • Driving
    • Other - Running
  • How important is it to make road changes along Barton Drive that improve conditions for people biking and walking? Check the box that most closely represents your view.
    • Very important
  • How important is it to make road changes along Barton Drive that improve conditions for people driving? Check the box that most closely represents your view.
    • Somewhat important
  • What part of this project are you most interested in? (choose 2)
    • Active Transportation Features (Bike Lanes, Sidewalks, Crosswalks)
    • Intersection Changes
  • What is your preference for the proposed bike lane(s) on Barton Drive between Brede and Pontiac? (marked in yellow on the map above)
    • Install bike lanes on both sides, remove on-street parking
  • Zone 1 - Brede to Pontiac (marked in blue on the map above): This area is identified in the city's Capital Improvement Plan and has a sidewalk prioritization rating of mid/high. Per city code, adjacent property owners be responsible for the full cost of the installation.  
    • Strongly in favor
  • Zone 2 - M-14 to 221 Barton (marked in pink on the map above): Staff has received a petition from residents in this area requesting sidewalk installation. Per city code, adjacent property owners would be responsible for the full cost of the installation. 
    • Strongly in favor
  • Zone 3 - Barton and Starwick (marked in yellow on the map above): This sidewalk is proposed as part of an intersection reconfiguration, requested by Safe Routes to School (SRTS). Per city code, adjacent property owners would be responsible for the full cost of the installation. 
    • Strongly in favor
  • Zone 4 - 221 Barton to Brede (marked in green): This would only be considered if Zone 2 is also installed; subject to technical feasibility. This sidewalk is along the rear of the lot, the City does not typically assess adjacent property owners to pay for sidewalk installation in those instances.
    • Strongly in favor
  • What is your preference at the Barton and Pontiac intersection?
    • Install designated left-hand turn lane on Barton going eastbound (toward Plymouth Road)
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Choose at most 2 options

Review information below to learn more about potential improvements, then share your feedback. 

Installing bike lanes and sidewalks improves safety, provides a more continuous user experience by addressing gaps in the network, encourages active transportation and improved community health, and provides more transportation options. Their installation may also involve paving existing gravel shoulders, disturbance to vegetation, the relocation of utility poles, and possible retaining walls. 

The map below shows areas where bike lanes will be installed as part of this project ('new bike lanes') and where we are seeking community feedback about proposed bike lanes. 

Map of New and Proposed Bike Lanes

The map below shows the existing sidewalk system.

Map of existing sidewalk system.

The map below shows areas where sidewalks are proposed as part of this project. 

map of proposed sidewalk construction

Please indicate your attitude toward installing sidewalk at each of the proposed sidewalk zones.

Changes to intersection layout can improve safety, improve visibility, reduce speeds and reduce paved surface area.  

This draft concept shows the improvements being considered for the Pontiac and Barton intersection. 

Draft concept for Barton and Pontiac intersection

If you have any additional feedback or comments about this project please contact Project Manager Jane K. Allen by email at [email protected] or call 734-794-6410 ext. 43678. 

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