1. What is your past involvement with the Traffic Calming Program? (check all that apply)
I live in a neighborhood that previously went through the Traffic Calming Program
I live on a street where traffic calming devices are installed
I regularly drive on streets where traffic calming devices are installed
Other - I live on Broadway St. and have future concerns regarding the upcoming construction at 1140 Broadway. Even though large trucks are prohibited on our street, when dirt will be hauled out or hauled in, please monitor our street.
2. Which of the following do you view as benefits of the Traffic Calming Program? (check all that apply)
Reduced speed
Increased safety
Less cut-through traffic
3. Please check any concerns that you have about the Traffic Calming Program
Solutions driven by community preference rather than data or engineering expertise
Increased noise
7. Do the proposed program objectives capture what you think is important?
8. Have we missed anything in the proposed objectives that you think should be added?
See answer to question 6
9. Do you have concerns about any of the proposed qualification criteria?
No mention of truck traffic as a cut through to north campus or future 1140 development. Those big double bottom trucks will not want to wait out the light at the bottom of the hill and will be cutting through our neighbor hood.......guaranteed,
10. Have we missed any other factors that should be included in determining eligibility for the Traffic Calming Program?
See # 9
11. Do you have concerns about anything included in the proposed toolbox of devices?
We need more public safety officers using radar detectors to slow traffic.
12. Have we missed any devices that should be added to the toolbox for traffic calming on local streets?
see # 11
13. What questions or concerns do you have about how the Traffic Calming Program will function?
No response.
A2 Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in A2 Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
1. What is your past involvement with the Traffic Calming Program? (check all that apply)
2. Which of the following do you view as benefits of the Traffic Calming Program? (check all that apply)
3. Please check any concerns that you have about the Traffic Calming Program
7. Do the proposed program objectives capture what you think is important?
8. Have we missed anything in the proposed objectives that you think should be added?
See answer to question 6
9. Do you have concerns about any of the proposed qualification criteria?
No mention of truck traffic as a cut through to north campus or future 1140 development. Those big double bottom trucks will not want to wait out the light at the bottom of the hill and will be cutting through our neighbor hood.......guaranteed,
10. Have we missed any other factors that should be included in determining eligibility for the Traffic Calming Program?
See # 9
11. Do you have concerns about anything included in the proposed toolbox of devices?
We need more public safety officers using radar detectors to slow traffic.
12. Have we missed any devices that should be added to the toolbox for traffic calming on local streets?
see # 11
13. What questions or concerns do you have about how the Traffic Calming Program will function?
No response.