What do you think the top urban forest (tree) priorities should be today?
To view a presentation that provides background on the planning process, tree data, forestry operations and the draft recommendations, please visit here: https://www.a2gov.org/departments/forestry/Pages/default.aspx
The City is updating the 2014 Urban and Community Forest Management Plan. What do you think the top urban forest (tree) priorities should be today?
Trees (collectively known as the urban forest) are a defining and valued characteristic of Ann Arbor - making the city a desirable place to live, work, play and visit. The city’s first Urban and Community Forest Management Plan adopted in 2014 provided a framework to sustainably manage the urban forest to ensure that trees remain an important part of the city.
The purpose of the Urban Forest Management Plan Update is to envision the future of Ann Arbor’s urban forest using updated tree data and re-engaging the community. Through research, tree data analysis and community and stakeholder input a set of themes and priorities have been identified and used to refine the Plan recommendations.
We are seeking your input on the draft plan recommendations to ensure that they are consistent with the values and needs expressed during the plan’s public and stakeholder outreach efforts. Please review the draft recommendations and indicate your level of support and tell us which ones should be our top priority. If you have other ideas or things to share about Ann Arbor’s trees, please tell us that as well.
Thank you for helping to define the role of trees in our community!
Input on the draft plan recommendations will be evaluated to ensure final recommendations are consistent with the values and needs of the community.
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