Which of the following do you do at least three times a week? Select all that apply.
Travel as a pedestrian (e.g., walk, roll in a wheelchair) for at least 15 minutes
Drive a car
Ride a bicycle
When you walk or use an assistive mobility device (wheelchair, mobility scooter, etc.) for at least 15 minutes, what are the usual reasons for your travel? Select all that apply.
To participate in a social activity
For fun or exercise
When you drive a motor vehicle, what are the usual reasons for your travel? Select all that apply.
To participate in a social activity
For shopping or errands
When you take public transit, what are the usual reasons for your travel? Select all that apply.
I do not use public transportation
Thinking about your experience with pedestrians and drivers in the City of Ann Arbor, please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Ann Arbor is a pedestrian-friendly community. - Strongly agree
It is dangerous to be a pedestrian in Ann Arbor. - Strongly disagree
Pedestrians in Ann Arbor follow the rules of the road. - Neither agree nor disagree
Drivers in Ann Arbor follow the rules of the road. - Strongly agree
Please indicate if you think the following scenario is true or false:
Motorists must stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, except if there is a traffic light and the motorist has the green light. - True
Motorists must stop for a pedestrian who is waiting at the crosswalk but not yet in it, except if there is a traffic light and the motorist has the green light. - True
Motorists must stop for a pedestrian who is crossing the street outside of a crosswalk. - False
At an intersection with sidewalks leading up to it, motorists are required by law to yield to pedestrians, whether or not there is a crosswalk. - False
If a car is stopped at a crosswalk and there is no pedestrian visible, another motorist coming up from behind must also stop, even there is an open lane that would enable them to go around. - False
In your opinion, whose behavior is usually at fault in pedestrian crashes?
Equally drivers and pedestrians
For each of the following statements, select how much you agree/disagree with the statement. The following driver behaviors can prevent pedestrian crashes:
Driving at or below the speed limit. - Neither agree nor disagree
Driving more cautiously as you enter the city. - Neither agree nor disagree
Looking out for pedestrians when making turns. - Agree
Stopping for pedestrians in the crosswalk. - Agree
Stopping for pedestrians at the crosswalk even if their intentions are unclear. - Neither agree nor disagree
For each of the following statements, select how much you agree/disagree with the statement. The following pedestrian behaviors can prevent pedestrian crashes:
Crossing with the light. - Strongly agree
Making eye contact with drivers when you intend to cross. - Strongly agree
Signaling to drivers when you intend to cross. - Strongly agree
For each of the following statements, select how often you did the behavior identified in the last month. When driving, how often did you do the following in the last month?
Stop for pedestrians that were at the crosswalk - All of the time
Drive at least 5-10 miles over the speed limit on a local street - Some of the time
For each of the following statements, select how often you did the behavior identified in the last month. As a pedestrian, how often did you do the following in the last month?
Cross the street outside of a crosswalk on a street with designated crosswalks - Some of the time
Cross the street when there is a Do Not Walk signal - Some of the time
Do you recall seeing or hearing advertising about any of the following safety issues in the past three months? Select all that apply.
When there's no sidewalk, pedestrians should walk facing traffic.
Drivers must obey the posted speed limit.
Drivers should stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk.
Drivers should watch for pedestrians when turning.
Drivers should follow traffic signals.
Drivers shouldn't text and drive.
Drivers shouldn't drink and drive.
Drivers must allow at least 3 feet when passing bicyclists.
Drivers should look out for pedestrians, especially in areas where they know pedestrians might be present, such as near schools, parks, shopping areas, and transit stops.
Bicyclists should use hand signals when planning to stop or turn.
Bicyclists must ride in the direction of traffic.
Bicyclists should use bike lights when riding at night.
Where do you recall seeing or hearing these traffic safety messages? Select all that apply.
Local newspaper
A2 Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in A2 Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Are you a Michigan resident?
What is your zip code?
48103How old are you?
Which of the following do you do at least three times a week? Select all that apply.
When you walk or use an assistive mobility device (wheelchair, mobility scooter, etc.) for at least 15 minutes, what are the usual reasons for your travel? Select all that apply.
When you drive a motor vehicle, what are the usual reasons for your travel? Select all that apply.
When you take public transit, what are the usual reasons for your travel? Select all that apply.
Thinking about your experience with pedestrians and drivers in the City of Ann Arbor, please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Please indicate if you think the following scenario is true or false:
In your opinion, whose behavior is usually at fault in pedestrian crashes?
For each of the following statements, select how much you agree/disagree with the statement. The following driver behaviors can prevent pedestrian crashes:
For each of the following statements, select how much you agree/disagree with the statement. The following pedestrian behaviors can prevent pedestrian crashes:
For each of the following statements, select how often you did the behavior identified in the last month. When driving, how often did you do the following in the last month?
For each of the following statements, select how often you did the behavior identified in the last month. As a pedestrian, how often did you do the following in the last month?
Do you recall seeing or hearing advertising about any of the following safety issues in the past three months? Select all that apply.
Where do you recall seeing or hearing these traffic safety messages? Select all that apply.