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A2 Open City Hall

Which projects do you think should be selected to receive funding?

2567 registered responses

How would you spend 24 million dollars?

Response Percent Response Count
CITY CLERK ELECTION CENTER needs $2,000,000 and is scalable down (4 dots) 3.9% 4,241
SOLAR ON CITY FACILITIES needs $8,500,000 and is scalable down (17 dots) 15.4% 16,889
HOUSING FOR HOMELESS HOUSEHOLDS needs $1,000,000 (2 dots) 5.6% 6,126
PROPERTY AQUISITION FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING needs $3,500,000 (7 dots) 11.0% 12,080
VISION ZERO IMPLEMENTATION needs $9,500,000 and is scalable down (19 dots) 7.7% 8,420
MILLER-CATHERINE BIKE FACILITY needs $4,000,000 (8 dots) 3.9% 4,297
GALVANIZED WATER SERVICE LINE REPLACEMENT needs $3,750,000 and is scalable down (8 dots) 11.7% 12,814
FIRE STATION 4 (Huron Parkway) - First Net Zero Fire Station in Michigan needs $3,000,000 (6 dots) 3.8% 4,184
COORDINATED FUNDING SUPPORT needs $1,000,000 (2 dots) and is scalable down or up to $4,000,000 (8 dots) 7.0% 7,740
UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME needs $2,300,000 (5 dots) and is scalable down to $1,500,000 (3 dots) 5.1% 5,625
GALLUP PARK Bridge Replacement and Road and Trail Renovation​ needs $2,300,000 for the bridge only (5 dots) or $6,800,000​ for the entire project including bridge, road, and trail renovations (14 dots) 9.2% 10,125
UNARMED RESPONSE PROGRAM needs $2,000,000 (4 dots) and is scalable up or down 6.8% 7,485

What types of projects are you most interested in funding? Rank the following project categories in priority order, with your highest priority area at the top.

Average priorities over 2567 responses
  1. Human and Social Services

    Human and Social Services
  2. Affordable Housing

    Affordable Housing
  3. Water Quality

    Water Quality
  4. Carbon Neutrality

    Carbon Neutrality
  5. Transportation and Mobility Safety

    Transportation and Mobility Safety
  6. Funding to Support the Arts

    Funding to Support the Arts
  7. Election Integrity

    Election Integrity
Name not shown inside ward 4
February 13, 2022, 8:04 PM
  • How would you spend 24 million dollars?
    • SOLAR ON CITY FACILITIES needs $8,500,000 and is scalable down (17 dots) (9)
    • GALVANIZED WATER SERVICE LINE REPLACEMENT needs $3,750,000 and is scalable down (8 dots) (8)
    • FIRE STATION 4 (Huron Parkway) - First Net Zero Fire Station in Michigan needs $3,000,000 (6 dots) (6)
    • GALLUP PARK Bridge Replacement and Road and Trail Renovation​ needs $2,300,000 for the bridge only (5 dots) or $6,800,000​ for the entire project including bridge, road, and trail renovations (14 dots) (5)
  • What types of projects are you most interested in funding? Rank the following project categories in priority order, with your highest priority area at the top.
    1. Water Quality

      Water Quality
    2. Funding to Support the Arts

      Funding to Support the Arts
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You've got 24 million dollars to spend. How would you spend it on these potential projects?

  • 1 dot = $500,000 (half of a million dollars)
  • Many projects require a minimum amount of funding to move forward.
  • Most of these projects are scalable, which means we can invest less or more money than the recommended amount and still complete some components of the project. These projects are indicated as “Scalable” on the survey. If there is a project that you like, but you don’t want to fully fund, then you should indicate this by assigning a lower number of dots than the recommendation asks for. 
  • Scroll past the dot exercise to review the project descriptions and access links to informational videos. You can scroll up and down to review information and complete the question. 

IMPORTANT: Once you have determined how you would spend your dots, you must scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click 'Next' to complete the survey.  You will have to sign-in using a valid email address to submit your response to be viewable to city staff and city council. 

CITY CLERK ELECTION CENTER needs $2,000,000 and is scalable down (4 dots)

SOLAR ON CITY FACILITIES needs $8,500,000 and is scalable down (17 dots)

HOUSING FOR HOMELESS HOUSEHOLDS needs $1,000,000 (2 dots)


VISION ZERO IMPLEMENTATION needs $9,500,000 and is scalable down (19 dots)

MILLER-CATHERINE BIKE FACILITY needs $4,000,000 (8 dots)

GALVANIZED WATER SERVICE LINE REPLACEMENT needs $3,750,000 and is scalable down (8 dots)


FIRE STATION 4 (Huron Parkway) - First Net Zero Fire Station in Michigan needs $3,000,000 (6 dots)

COORDINATED FUNDING SUPPORT needs $1,000,000 (2 dots) and is scalable down or up to $4,000,000 (8 dots)

UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME needs $2,300,000 (5 dots) and is scalable down to $1,500,000 (3 dots)

GALLUP PARK Bridge Replacement and Road and Trail Renovation​ needs $2,300,000 for the bridge only (5 dots) or $6,800,000​ for the entire project including bridge, road, and trail renovations (14 dots)

UNARMED RESPONSE PROGRAM needs $2,000,000 (4 dots) and is scalable up or down

City Clerk Election Center 

  • New election center
  • Space to prepare for elections and conduct high-speed tabulation of ballots
  • Necessary due to the higher number of absentee ballots and increased security measures  

Estimated cost: $2,000,000

Learn more: YouTube​ video explainer 

Solar on City Facilities 

  • Install over 4 Megawatts of solar energy panels on 19 city facilities
  • Includes critical facilities such as the water treatment plant and the public works building  
  • Recurring operational savings of over $500,000 annually

Estimated cost: $8,500,000

Learn more: YouTube video explainer ​

Housing for Homeless Households

  • Provide permanent supportive housing 
  • Leverage funds from other sources to access rental subsides and supportive services 

Estimated cost:  $1,000,000- initial acquisition and rehabiliation

Learn more: YouTube video explainer 

Property Acquisition for Affordable Housing 

  • Identify a suitable property, conduct due diligence, and acquiring the property to build affordable housing
  • Includes renovation (as applicable), site planning, and construction

Estimated cost: $3,500,000

Learn more: YouTube video explainer 

Vision Zero Implementation 

  • Fund projects from the City’s “Moving Together Toward Vision Zero” Transportation Master Plan – Vision Zero: No one dies or is seriously injured in crashes on Ann Arbor’s streets 
  • Reduce speed, enhance system design, and provide education

Estimated cost: $9,500,000

Learn more: YouTube video explainer ​

Miller-Catherine Bike Facility 

  • A high-comfort/low stress space for bikes along Miller Avenue and Catherine Street from west City limits to the University of Michigan
  • Address safety concerns regarding speeding vehicles and pedestrian crossings

Estimated cost: $4,000,000

Learn more: YouTube video explainer 

Galvanized Water Service Line Replacement 

  • Replace up to 3,000 galvanized water service lines that were once connected to lead pipes
  • This work is required by the State of Michigan

Estimated cost: $3,750,000

Learn more: YouTube Video explainer 

Community and Law Enforcement Public Safety Data Platform 

  • Data collection to determine police biases and support officer training and education focused on critical decision making that honors the sanctity of human life
  • Necessary to measure progress, impacts, and outcomes

Estimated cost: $1,244,745

Learn more: YouTube video explainer 

Fire Station 4 (Huron Parkway) - First Net Zero Fire Station in Michigan 

  • Build a net-zero fire station at the Fire Station 4 location
  • City's first carbon-neutral facility
  • Geothermal heating and cooling, solar panels, and energy efficiency 

Estimated cost: $3,000,000 needed to complete funding of a $6,000,000 total project

Learn more: YouTube video explainer 

Coordinated Funding Support 

  • Provide support to families living at or below the poverty line as this pandemic continues
  • Provides basic safety net services, with a focus on addressing poverty, racism and trauma

Estimated cost: $1,000,000 proposed, but more can be invested

Learn more: YouTube video explainer 

Universal Basic Income 

  • Establish a universal basic income pilot program
  • Provide direct aid to a group of families for three years
  • Review from social scientists to document impacts on the families and the whole community

Estimated cost: $2,300,000

Learn more: YouTube video explainer 

Unarmed Response Program

  • Divert armed officers from responding to non-criminal and non-violent calls 
  • Utilize medical professionals, social workers, or other human services professionals better suited to meet situational needs 

 Estimated cost: $2,000,000

Learn more: YouTube video explainer 

Gallup Park Bridge Replacement and Road and Trail Renovation​ 

  • Replace Gallup Park bridge; expanded space for bicycles and pedestrians
  • Widen the Border-to-Border Trail and provide buffer from park road to improve experience
  • Add advisory bike lanes and shift parking off-street

Estimated cost: $2,300,000 - bridge only, $6,800,000 - entire project

Learn more: ​YouTube video explainer 

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