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ARNOLD BRILLINGER inside ALAMEDA CITY October 22, 2020, 2:27 PM
How did you get the food you needed? Check all that apply. Family/friend delivered
How did you get to your medical appointments? Please check all that apply. Paid service drove me
Do you use public transit - AC Transit, BART, ferry, etc.? Check all that apply.
If yes, how do these services work for you? I LOVE THESE SERVICES, BUT UNABLE TO USE BECAUSE OF COVID. CAN'T GET OUT AT ALL.
Do you have a Mastick Senior Center Member AC Transit EasyPass?
This pass offers free, unlimited rides on AC Transit buses for Alameda residents who are Mastick Senior Center members, 65 years old or better and who meet income eligibility.
Have you ever attended a Travel Training Class?
If you have not attended a Travel Training Class, would you like information about upcoming classes? Yes
Do you currently ride the free Alameda Loop Shuttle? Yes
How likely are you to continue or start riding the free Alameda Loop Shuttle? 9 (very likely)
Is there anything you find challenging when riding the free Alameda Loop Shuttle? CANNOT ACCOMMODTAE MULTIPLE WHEELCHAIRS
Which route do you use? (check all that apply) West Loop (Tuesday) route, East Loop (Wednesday) route, Central Loop (Thursday) route
Tell us about your experience using the Alameda Loop Shuttle:
Have you used the bike racks on the new Loop Shuttle? Not applicable
Do/did you know the Alameda Loop Shuttle connects to AC Transit routes frequenting BART stations? Yes
How did you hear about the free Alameda Loop Shuttle? Other - SAW IT GOING DOWN THE STREET
Do you own or rent your home? Rent
Where do you live in Alameda? Central
What is your ethnicity? White (W)
Name not available inside ALAMEDA CITY October 17, 2020, 5:15 PM
How did you get the food you needed? Check all that apply. Drove myself/picked up bagged groceries at store
How did you get to your medical appointments? Please check all that apply. Drove myself
Do you use public transit - AC Transit, BART, ferry, etc.? Check all that apply.
If yes, how do these services work for you? Work fine except now during Covid. Bart and Ferry schedules are too limited.
Do you have a Mastick Senior Center Member AC Transit EasyPass?
This pass offers free, unlimited rides on AC Transit buses for Alameda residents who are Mastick Senior Center members, 65 years old or better and who meet income eligibility.
Have you ever attended a Travel Training Class?
If yes, was it helpful? yes
Have you used any of the following transportation services? (Check all that apply) Uber or Lyft (schedule rides electronically)
How has your experience been with these services? Good, I don't have an app for Uber or Lyft so my daughter schedules them for me.
If the City of Alameda Transportation Program expands to include Lyft, Uber or other similar type of service, would you use the service?
Yes, I would use this type of service
Do you currently ride the free Alameda Loop Shuttle? No
I am not using the free Alameda Loop Shuttle because: (check all that apply)
Shuttle does not travel near my home
Do you own or rent your home? Own
Where do you live in Alameda? West
What is your ethnicity? Decline To State (DS)
Name not available inside ALAMEDA CITY October 17, 2020, 10:46 AM
How did you get the food you needed? Check all that apply. Family/friend delivered, Paid service delivered, Rode the Alameda Loop Shuttle, Used AC Transit buses
How did you get to your medical appointments? Please check all that apply. Family/friend drove me, Used AC Transit buses, Had an appointment by phone or video instead of in-person visit
Do you use public transit - AC Transit, BART, ferry, etc.? Check all that apply.
Do you have a Mastick Senior Center Member AC Transit EasyPass?
This pass offers free, unlimited rides on AC Transit buses for Alameda residents who are Mastick Senior Center members, 65 years old or better and who meet income eligibility.
If no, would you like to apply? Please contact Victoria Williams, paratransit coordinator at [email protected] or 510-747-7513. I would like to apply.
Have you ever attended a Travel Training Class?
If you have not attended a Travel Training Class, would you like information about upcoming classes? No
Have you used any of the following transportation services? (Check all that apply) Uber or Lyft (schedule rides electronically)
How has your experience been with these services? Service has been good
If the City of Alameda Transportation Program expands to include Lyft, Uber or other similar type of service, would you use the service?
Yes, I would use this type of service
Do you currently ride the free Alameda Loop Shuttle? Yes
How likely are you to continue or start riding the free Alameda Loop Shuttle? 9 (very likely)
How many times have you used the free Alameda Loop Shuttle in the last month? Two to three times a week
Which route do you use? (check all that apply) West Loop (Tuesday) route, Central Loop (Thursday) route
Tell us about your experience using the Alameda Loop Shuttle:
Have you used the bike racks on the new Loop Shuttle? No
Do/did you know the Alameda Loop Shuttle connects to AC Transit routes frequenting BART stations? No
How did you hear about the free Alameda Loop Shuttle? At Mastick Senior Center
Do you own or rent your home? Rent
Where do you live in Alameda? West
What is your ethnicity? African American/ Black (AA)
Hispanic: No
Name not available inside ALAMEDA CITY October 10, 2020, 9:38 PM
How did you get the food you needed? Check all that apply. Drove myself/picked up bagged groceries at store, Walked or bicycled
How did you get to your medical appointments? Please check all that apply. Walked or bicycled, Had an appointment by phone or video instead of in-person visit, Postponed medical appointment
What needs have you been unable to meet during the COVID-19 pandemic? Getting my hair done.
Do you use public transit - AC Transit, BART, ferry, etc.? Check all that apply.
If no, why not? I do not need to use BART, because I do not go anywhere that BART will take me. I do not need to take AC Transit because I still drive. I also bike in Alameda. Sometimes I take the Ferry, but not since Covid.
Do you have a Mastick Senior Center Member AC Transit EasyPass?
This pass offers free, unlimited rides on AC Transit buses for Alameda residents who are Mastick Senior Center members, 65 years old or better and who meet income eligibility.
If no, would you like to apply? Please contact Victoria Williams, paratransit coordinator at [email protected] or 510-747-7513. I don't think I am eligible.
Have you ever attended a Travel Training Class?
If you have not attended a Travel Training Class, would you like information about upcoming classes? No
Have you used any of the following transportation services? (Check all that apply) Uber or Lyft (schedule rides electronically)
How has your experience been with these services? Excellent.
If the City of Alameda Transportation Program expands to include Lyft, Uber or other similar type of service, would you use the service?
Yes, I would use this type of service
Do you currently ride the free Alameda Loop Shuttle? No
I am not using the free Alameda Loop Shuttle because: (check all that apply)
Drive myself, Other - Ride my bike.
Do you own or rent your home? Rent
Where do you live in Alameda? East
What is your ethnicity? White (W)
Name not shown inside ALAMEDA CITY June 12, 2019, 9:12 PM
There shouldn't be a terminus at Grand. Please complete Clement, get rid of the Pennzoil station and work out property rights adjacent to Wind River.
Name not shown inside ALAMEDA CITY June 12, 2019, 1:33 PM
The traditional bike lanes provide the maximum with of the street, which is preferred based on the many uses the street provides. There are many existing businesses that require access to their driveways and loading docks. The wider street provides the safest possible access for drivers and employees of our neighborhood businesses.
Name not shown inside ALAMEDA CITY June 12, 2019, 11:25 AM
No two-way cycle track. I love the concept, but the City is kidding itself thinking this design protect cyclists crossing Oak, Park, Everett and Broadway, to say nothing of the many driveways and businesses along Clement, including future development in the Alameda Marina. Cyclists traveling in the non-conforming direction are at the greatest risk. I am cyclist and would never ride in this track. The design works at Shoreline as there are no obstructions. This style is completely inappropriate here.
Clement is a heavily traveled street and serves a myriad of uses. It is a truck route. AC Transit and the City prefer to relocate the bus line there. We are asking too much of this street already. Businesses in some older buildings have loading docks where trucks protrude out into the street under current conditions. Narrowing the street with a cycle track only make these dangerous conditions worse. Does the City have safety concerns for those employees and truck drivers? I appreciate the concern for cyclists, but not at the expense of everyone else’s safety.
Name not available inside ALAMEDA CITY June 12, 2019, 7:35 AM
Name not available inside ALAMEDA CITY June 11, 2019, 3:06 PM
No to two-way bikeway. Want wide bike lanes on either side of street.
Argument: bike lanes on either side of street is much more intuitive, hence more safe than this proposal. Auto drivers and pedestrians don't expect nor know how to react to cyclists traveling and/or turning on same side of street. Two-way bike lane will cause more auto-bike and ped-bike accidents because peds will step out without looking both ways, and cars won't see bikes coming in both directions while turning. Two-way bike lanes are a bad idea that no-one will understand.
Name not available June 11, 2019, 2:29 PM
I agree this is the better option as long as there’s adequate space for vehicles with wide loads and industrial commerce.