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September 10, 2019, 5:01 PM
The City provides three affordable transportation options for Alameda residents: the free Alameda Loop Shuttle service and two discounted taxi programs for people who are older or with disabilities. Each year, the City seeks input to confirm these programs are meeting needs. If you have comments about the Alameda Loop Shuttle, the Premium Taxi Program or the Medical Return Trips Improvement (MRTIP) Program, please complete a survey by Thursday, October, 31, 2019.
May 29, 2019, 3:28 PM
The City of Alameda invites you to participate in a community workshop or survey to review preliminary recommendations for addressing safety and speeding concerns while improving walking, bicycling and driving on Clement Avenue between Grand Street and Broadway.
What: Workshop or survey to review preliminary recommendations for Clement Avenue safety improvements
When: Workshop: Monday, June 3, 6:30 pm; Survey: Tuesday, May 29 to Sunday, June 16
Where: City Hall, City Council Chambers, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue or go to this survey
The following safety improvements are recommended for Clement Avenue’s section of the Cross Alameda Trail, to be completed in 2020 as part of a competitive federal grant for $5 million:
- Remove the railroad tracks and ties that are buried in the middle of the street;
- Provide a two-way bikeway on the estuary side of the street that would be separated from motorists by on-street parking or other barriers (Exhibit 2 below);
- Extend red painted curbs at intersections and driveways to improve visibility;
- Install stop signs on Clement Avenue at Schiller Street and Stanford Street;
- Install high-visibility crosswalks and curb bulb-outs;
- Improve sidewalks;
- Plant street trees; and
- Provide accessible parking spaces, truck access and loading zones.
For more information, please refer to the following web page:
January 23, 2019, 6:09 PM
The City of Alameda invites you to participate in a workshop to discuss community concerns related to speeding and safety while walking, bicycling and driving on Otis Drive between Westline Drive and Willow Street. We also will be discussing ideas for safety improvements and traffic calming.
WHAT: Workshop to discuss speeding and safety concerns on Otis Drive
WHERE: Wood Middle School multi-purpose room, 420 Grand Street
WHEN: Thursday, January 31, 6:30 pm
Otis Drive is listed in the citywide transportation plan as a Vision Zero corridor with a goal to reduce citywide traffic deaths and severe injuries to zero. In September 2018, the City hired a consultant team – Parisi/CSW Design Group – to provide professional outreach, planning, design and an improvement concept for Otis Drive. The first step in developing improvement concepts for Otis Drive is to gather community input from workshops, online surveys and written correspondence. Subsequent stages will include concept development and a comprehensive analysis in early/mid 2019 with an expected approval date for a preferred concept in mid/late 2019.
The goals of the workshop include discussing:
· Areas where people on foot, riding a bicycle or in vehicles may feel unsafe, and identifying the reasons;
· Areas where there are conflicts between people on foot, bicycles and in vehicles;
· Options that could promote walking, riding the bus or bicycling, such as bike lanes or improved bus stops;
· Options to reduce impacts of flooding/sea level rise; and
· Options to improve streetscape, such as gateway treatments and landscaping.
We invite you to participate in the January 31 workshop and to sign up for email updates by sending an email to [email protected]. If you have any questions or want to express what you would like to see addressed in the Otis Drive initiative, please contact Gail Payne at 510-747-6892 or [email protected].
January 11, 2019, 3:14 PM
The City of Alameda invites you to participate in a workshop to discuss community concerns related to speeding and safety while walking, bicycling and driving on Otis Drive between Westline Drive and Willow Street. We also will be discussing ideas for safety improvements and traffic calming.
WHAT: Workshop to discuss speeding and safety concerns on Otis Drive
WHERE: Wood Middle School multi-purpose room, 420 Grand Street
WHEN: Thursday, January 31, 6:30 pm
Otis Drive is listed in the citywide transportation plan as a Vision Zero corridor with a goal to reduce citywide traffic deaths and severe injuries to zero. In September 2018, the City hired a consultant team – Parisi/CSW Design Group – to provide professional outreach, planning, design and an improvement concept for Otis Drive. The first step in developing improvement concepts for Otis Drive is to gather community input from workshops, online surveys and written correspondence. Subsequent stages will include concept development and a comprehensive analysis in early/mid 2019 with an expected approval date for a preferred concept in mid/late 2019.
The goals of the workshop include discussing:
· Areas where people on foot, riding a bicycle or in vehicles may feel unsafe, and identifying the reasons;
· Areas where there are conflicts between people on foot, bicycles and in vehicles;
· Options that could promote walking, riding the bus or bicycling, such as bike lanes or improved bus stops;
· Options to reduce impacts of flooding/sea level rise; and
· Options to improve streetscape, such as gateway treatments and landscaping.
We invite you to participate in the January 31 workshop and to sign up for email updates by sending an email to [email protected]. If you have any questions or want to express what you would like to see addressed in the Otis Drive initiative, please contact Gail Payne at 510-747-6892 or [email protected].
December 7, 2018, 4:10 PM
The City of Alameda invites you to participate in an online survey regarding the safety improvement alternatives to study for Central Avenue near Webster Street.
Potential alternatives include bike lanes, a two-way bikeway on the south side of Central Avenue for connection to Encinal and Paden Schools, or simply to install “sharrow” bike pavement markings in the Webster Street area of Central Avenue. A “no change” alternative is also included. The study will take place in 2019.
To read more, provide feedback and review concept plans click here.
November 16, 2018, 2:02 PM
Please share your thoughts about transportation issues relating to seniors and individuals with disabilities in the City of Alameda to help with future planning for the city.
The City of Alameda is committed to providing you with the best transportation services possible. One way we do this is by annually asking for your input.
Please take a few minutes to answer a few questions about the City of Alameda Subsidized Taxis, Alameda Loop Shuttle and East Bay Paratransit by Wednesday, December 21, 2018.
September 21, 2018, 5:38 PM
While Alameda is a sustainability leader in the Bay Area, our island faces significant vulnerabilities to climate change impacts, such as increased shoreline flooding and reduced air quality. To address these challenges and demonstrate leadership in sustainability, the City of Alameda is developing a new Climate Action and Resiliency Plan. This Plan will lay out strategies for reducing dangerous greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change, and adapting to the impacts of climate change.
For more information, visit the City's webpage for the Climate Action and Resiliency Plan. There you will find background information and the schedule for the rest of the planning process.
There are a few ways to provide feedback on the new Climate Action and Resiliency Plan.
1. Provide feedback online by clicking here.
2. Attend an upcoming public workshop:
- September 24, 6:30-8pm: Lincoln Park Harrison Center (1450 High St)
- September 25, 6:30-8pm: Community of Harbor Bay Isle Owners' Association (3195 Mecartney Rd)
- September 26, 6:30-8pm: the O’ Club on Alameda Point (641 W Red Line Ave)
Thank you for your time and input!
September 17, 2018, 12:56 PM
The goals of the project include:
- reducing driving speeds within the 25 miles per hour limit
- improving safety for all users
- adding bicycle facilities to connect to Wood School, the beach, Alameda Hospital and with existing bike lanes on Westline Drive and Grand Street
- improving bus stops
- reduce impacts of flooding/sea level rise
- improve streetscape, such as gateways and landscaping
Planning for the project is anticipated to start in October 2018. A consulting team will assist the City with traffic analysis, developing concepts, seeking public input, and obtaining approvals for the preferred alternative. City staff aims to request City Council approval of a preferred concept for improvements in fall 2019.
Before the project officially kicks off, we would like to know how Alamedans are currently using the street and what you see as the main challenges to overcome.
Please take this short survey. Thank you for your time!
August 20, 2018, 3:40 PM
What are your values and preferences relating to local climate action?
Please take this short survey and give feedback on the climate action plan.
August 9, 2018, 5:20 PM
The goals of the project include:
- reducing driving speeds within the 25 miles per hour limit
- improving safety for all users
- adding bicycle facilities to connect to Wood School, the beach, Alameda Hospital and with existing bike lanes on Westline Drive and Grand Street
- improving bus stops
- reduce impacts of flooding/sea level rise
- improve streetscape, such as gateways and landscaping
Planning for the project is anticipated to start in October 2018. A consulting team will assist the City with traffic analysis, developing concepts, seeking public input, and obtaining approvals for the preferred alternative. City staff aims to request City Council approval of a preferred concept for improvements in fall 2019.
Before the project officially kicks off, we would like to know how Alamedans are currently using the street and what you see as the main challenges to overcome.
Please take this short survey. Thank you for your time!
July 30, 2018, 12:47 PM
The climate has warmed over the last century and the Bay is rising. Most of this warming is due to greenhouse gas emissions. The City of Alameda is creating a Climate Action Plan to reduce Alameda’s greenhouse gas emissions and address climate-related risks like flooding.
Please provide your feedback on the climate action plan in this short survey.
January 24, 2018, 9:45 AM
We need your feedback! The City of Alameda is engaging the community around our aging infrastructure needs. Please share your thoughts and take this short survey regarding key infrastructure priorities identified by the public. Thank you for your time and input!
November 30, 2017, 4:23 PM
Please share your thoughts about transportation issues relating to seniors and individuals with disabilities in the City of Alameda to help with future planning for the city.
The City of Alameda Transportation Program for Seniors and People with Disabilities, funded by Measures B and BB, provides Alameda residents who are seniors or have disabilities with the Alameda Loop Shuttle, which is also open to the public, subsidized taxi trips, group trips and a scholarship fund to assist participants with taxi trip expenses. East Bay Paratransit is also designed for residents who are unable to drive and who are unable to use public transportation - AC Transit buses or BART trains - because of a disability or a disabling health condition.
Please take a few minutes to answer a few questions about the City of Alameda Subsidized Taxis, Alameda Loop Shuttle and East Bay Paratransit by Thursday, December 21, 2017.
September 20, 2017, 12:17 PM
The City of Alameda is updating the Climate Action Plan, which will show how Alamedans can reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute towards global warming and climate change. Please take this online survey to give your feedback regarding the Almeda Climate Action Plan update.
The City of Alameda and Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda (CASA) will sponsor a second workshop on Thursday, October 5, to brainstorm next steps for updating the City's Local Action Plan for Climate Protection and for making Alameda a more sustainable city. Click here to see more upcoming opportunities to get involved.
Thank you for your time!
August 2, 2017, 4:17 PM
On September 19, 2017, the City Council will consider whether to amend Alameda Municipal Code section 4-4 to require food vendors to only offer straws upon a customer’s request, and to clarify that all to-go foodware must be either reusable, recyclable, or compostable. Straws and other non-compostable or non-recyclable disposable foodware become litter on our beaches and streets, clog storm drains, and add waste to our landfills. The ordinance considers a food vendor to be any restaurant, bar, food truck, or retail business that sells prepared food or drink. Tell us what you think! If you have any questions about the proposed change in policy or this survey, please connect with Public Works' Program Specialist, Kerry Parker, at [email protected] or 510-747-7959.
November 30, 2016, 11:14 AM
Please share your thoughts about transportation issues relating to seniors and individuals with disabilities in the City of Alameda to help with future planning for the city.
Background: The City of Alameda Paratransit Program, funded by Measures B and BB, provides Alameda residents who are seniors or have disabilities with the Alameda Paratransit Shuttle (which also is open to the public), subsidized taxi trips, group trips and a scholarship fund to assist participants with taxi trip expenses. East Bay Paratransit also is designed for residents who are unable to drive and who are unable to use public transportation - AC Transit buses or BART trains - because of a disability or a disabling health condition.
Please take a few minutes to answer a few questions about the City of Alameda Subsidized Taxis and Paratransit Shuttle by Thursday, January 5.
For more information:
City staff: Gail Payne, Transportation Coordinator, 510-747-6892
October 17, 2016, 4:38 PM
Help shape the future of the Main Street Neighborhood! Tell us what you think about these plans for the neighborhood’s public and private spaces.
A draft Specific Plan has been completed for the Main Street Neighborhood at Alameda Point. It is the culmination of over 10 years of planning work.
The plan lays out the vision for how the new development, open spaces, and streets will be designed to create a pedestrian friendly, transit supportive mixed-use residential area.
Please take a few minutes to share your priorities for this plan.
September 8, 2016, 11:59 AM
Share your thoughts about transportation issues in the City of Alameda to help with future planning for the city.
As part of the citywide transportation planning process, help us to ensure that Alameda sustains its high quality of life during a time of population growth throughout the Bay Area.
Please take a few minutes to share your views.
June 1, 2016, 5:10 PM
The City of Alameda wants to hear from you to ensure that we create the best Transportation Plan for our community.
The purpose of the citywide Transportation Plan is to help ensure that Alameda sustains its high quality of life during a time of population growth throughout the Bay Area.
Please take a moment to share your thoughts about existing transportation conditions as well as goals and objectives to help improve transportation in Alameda.
June 12, 2015, 5:07 PM
Please write down any thoughts about the preferred bikeway options for each segment of the Central Avenue study area.
May 27, 2015, 12:55 PM
Public Works staff invites you to participate in the Central Avenue Complete Street Concept Proposal, which pertains to the area between Pacific Avenue and Sherman Street/Encinal Avenue (Exhibit 1). Staff is presenting options to create a safer street for bicyclists and pedestrians. Options may include installation of bike lanes, the reduction of motor vehicle travel lanes from four lanes to three lanes, including a center two-way left-turn lane, and enhancing pedestrian access.
There are many ways to participate:
- Attend Community Workshops: The second community workshop is on Thursday, June 4 at 6:30 the Encinal High School’s Cafeteria (210 Central Avenue). The third community workshop is on Thursday, September 17 at 6:30 p.m.
- Use Online Open Forum: Participate in an online forum for civic engagement at the following web page: Read what others are saying about the Central Avenue Concept Proposal, then post your own ideas or comments. Staff will incorporate these into the decision process and final recommendation.
- Attend the Transportation Commission Meeting: Attend the Transportation Commission (TC) meeting on Wednesday, November 18 in the City Council Chambers (2263 Santa Clara Avenue) at 7:00 p.m. At this meeting, staff will present a recommended concept for approval. This concept is yet to be determined and will be based on all community input gathered from the meetings, online forum, and written correspondence. To be added to the TC email list, please email [email protected] .
- Sign Up for Email Updates: To receive email updates, send an email to [email protected] Note that future correspondence about this concept proposal is expected to be primarily via email.
- Follow Project Web Page: To follow the Project’s progress, go to the project web page:
April 27, 2015, 4:48 PM
Public Works staff invites you to participate in a Clement Avenue Complete Street Concept Proposal workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the preferred concept proposal before final approval by the Transportation Commission on Wednesday, May 27, 2015.
When: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Main Library’s Stafford Room, 1550 Oak Street
What: Modify Clement Ave. between Grand St. and Broadway to:
- Remove railroad tracks and resurface the street.
- Install bike lanes on both sides of the street (see concept image below).
- Eliminate some parking on the north/estuary side of the street.
- Request to designate this as part of the San Francisco Bay Trail instead of Buena Vista Avenue.
- Provide new sewer and storm water lines.
- Underground overhead utilities.
- Improve sidewalks and intersections for safer pedestrian crossings.
- Provide adequate travel lane widths and turning radii for truck access.
- Provide on-street disabled parking spaces.
For more information on the preferred concept and on the two previous community meetings, please refer to the following web page:
If you are unable to attend, please submit written comments to Gail Payne, Transportation Coordinator, at City Hall West, 950 West Mall Square, Room 110, Alameda, CA 94501 or by email at [email protected] . All written comments will be part of the official public record.
February 23, 2015, 2:06 PM
Community Workshop #2 for Clement Avenue Complete Street Concept Proposal
Public Works staff invites you to the second community meeting to discuss a preferred concept proposal to improve Clement Avenue between Grand Street and Broadway. Potential improvements may include removing the abandoned railroad tracks, installing a bikeway, and enhancing pedestrian access.
This second community workshop is on Monday, March 2 at 6:30 p.m. in the Main Library’s Stafford Room. A tentative date for the third community workshop is Wednesday, April 29 at 6:30 p.m.
Sign Up on Email List: To receive email updates, email [email protected]
Follow Project Web Page: To follow the project’s progress, go to the project web page:
Thanks for Your Feedback
Thank you for your participation in the Open Forum about Clement Avenue. Public Works staff is considering the two-way bikeway on the estuary (north) side as the preferred option.