We would like your input on Clement Avenue safety improvements.
In December 2018, the City hired a consultant team, CDM Smith, to provide professional outreach, planning and design services related to developing an improvement concept for Clement Avenue given the newly approved Alameda Marina mixed use development, the Cross Alameda Trail with completion at Jean Sweeney Park, and with construction currently west of the Park to Alameda Point. Clement Avenue is part of the Cross Alameda Trail, which is a proposed four-mile trail between Seaplane Lagoon at Alameda Point and the Miller Sweeney Bridge (Fruitvale Bridge) (Exhibit 1 below).
The following safety improvements are recommended for Clement Avenue’s section of the Cross Alameda Trail, to be completed in 2020 as part of a competitive federal grant for $5 million:
- Remove the railroad tracks and ties that are buried in the middle of the street;
- Provide a two-way bikeway on the estuary side of the street that would be separated from motorists by on-street parking or other barriers (Exhibit 2 below);
- Extend red painted curbs at intersections and driveways to improve visibility;
- Install stop signs on Clement Avenue at Schiller Street and Stanford Street;
- Install high-visibility crosswalks and curb bulb-outs;
- Improve sidewalks to allow for people in wheelchairs to use them;
- Plant street trees; and
- Provide accessible parking spaces, truck access and loading zones.
We invite you to participate in the Monday, June 3 community workshop, a Transportation Commission meeting on Wednesday, July 24, and a City Council meeting in September for concept approvals. If you have any questions, would like to receive email updates, or want to express your input via email or phone, please contact Gail Payne at 510-747-6892 or [email protected]. For more information, please refer to the following web page: www.alamedaca.gov/clement.
To provide your feedback online please click the "add your comments" button below. This will walk you through several story boards with differant renderings. There are six concept drawings for the Two-Way bike lane option and the regular bike lane option. Please drop your comments about each drawing at locations marked with the

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