This is the digital version of City's second Community Input Session for the development of Alameda's Climate Action and Resiliency Plan.
The first Community Input Session, held at three locations in September 2018, resulted in hundreds of ideas from community members on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase resiliency to climate change, and become more sustainable. City staff, working with the environmental consultant Eastern Research Group, have vetted and developed those ideas into what you will see on the coming pages. Background and opportunities for feedback are partitioned into three sections: Greenhouse Gas Reduction; Heat, Wildfire Smoke, and Drought; and Sea Level Rise & Flooding. You can navigate to the different pages by using the tabs above. You can give feedback on as many or as few of those items as you wish.
We thank you for taking the time to provide your input on this issue of critical importance to the current and future wellbeing of the Alameda community. City staff will review every comment received on this platform, and will incorporate it into the revisions we make and ultimately present to City Council.
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