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What ideas do you have for how the Alameda community can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase resilience to climate change impacts?

How to contribute your idea

  1. Click the little white speech symbol  to add your idea to the category it fits into. If you're not sure, choose "Other".
  2. Write your idea for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and/or increasing climate resilience, being as specific as possible.
  3. Click "Next"!
  4. When you submit your first idea you will be prompted with an optional registration page. When you arrive at the optional registration page your idea has already been submitted to City staff - but it will not be visible to the public unless you register.
  5. To submit another idea, it's easiest if you register. If you don't want to do that, simply go back to home page.

Other includes Waste (waste management, landfills, hazardous waste sites and storage facilities), Energy Sources, Earthquakes, and Utilities (energy and communiciation infrastructure as well as waste, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure).

Healthy Natural Environments includes shorelines, wetlands, parks, open space, air quality, and water quality.

Transportation includes all modes of transportation such as bicycles, pedestrians, cars/trucks, ferries, transit (buses/trains), and the systems that support these modes of transportation.

Land Use includes existing and future land use planning, ordinances, rules, regulations, land use policies, city master plans, and major development opportunities such as Alameda Point.

Buildings includes residential/commercial/government buildings, new development and re-development of buildings, energy efficiency, alternative energy use in buildings, and building codes and standards.

Not sure what idea to put down?

   Land Use
   Healthy Natural Environments