How can we make Otis Drive a better street between Willow Street and Westline Drive?
This topic has 756 visitors and 261 responses.
That's 13.1 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.
We want to hear from you about how to make Otis Drive a better street between Willow Street and Westline Drive. The goals of the project include:
Planning for the project is anticipated to start in October 2018. A consulting team will assist the City with traffic analysis, developing concepts, seeking public input, and obtaining approvals for the preferred alternative. City staff aims to request City Council approval of a preferred concept for improvements in fall 2019.
Before the project officially kicks off, we would like to know how Alamedans are currently using the street and what you see as the main challenges to overcome.
This topic has 756 visitors and 261 responses.
That's 13.1 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.