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What are your values and preferences relating to local climate action?

137 registered responses

1. What zip code do you live in?


2. How important is it for the Alameda community to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions?

Response Percent Response Count
Extremely important 55.6% 75
Very important 29.6% 40
Somewhat important 5.2% 7
Not so important 5.2% 7
Not at all important 4.4% 6

3. How serious will each of the following hazards be for Alameda residents in the future?

Increased temperatures and heat waves
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all serious 3.6% 5
Not so serious 8.8% 12
Somewhat serious 22.6% 31
Very serious 32.8% 45
Extremely serious 31.4% 43
Increased wildfire (smoke/air quality)
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all serious 2.9% 4
Not so serious 8.8% 12
Somewhat serious 26.3% 36
Very serious 28.5% 39
Extremely serious 32.8% 45
Sea level rise and shoreline flooding
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all serious 5.1% 7
Not so serious 2.9% 4
Somewhat serious 5.1% 7
Very serious 13.9% 19
Extremely serious 73.0% 100
Flooding from rainstorms
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all serious 1.5% 2
Not so serious 6.6% 9
Somewhat serious 18.2% 25
Very serious 25.5% 35
Extremely serious 48.2% 66
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all serious 1.5% 2
Not so serious 2.9% 4
Somewhat serious 16.8% 23
Very serious 26.3% 36
Extremely serious 51.8% 71
Response Percent Response Count
Not so serious 2.9% 4
Somewhat serious 12.4% 17
Very serious 32.1% 44
Extremely serious 51.1% 70

4. How concerned are you about each category below, thinking about the impacts of the hazards listed in Question 3?

Well-being of future generations
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all concerned 2.9% 4
Not so concerned 4.4% 6
Somewhat concerned 9.6% 13
Very concerned 27.9% 38
Extremely concerned 55.1% 75
Public health
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all concerned 2.2% 3
Not so concerned 4.4% 6
Somewhat concerned 12.5% 17
Very concerned 36.0% 49
Extremely concerned 44.9% 61
Economic vitality of Alameda community
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all concerned 2.2% 3
Not so concerned 5.1% 7
Somewhat concerned 21.3% 29
Very concerned 44.1% 60
Extremely concerned 26.5% 36
Public infrastructure (roads, parks, etc.)
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all concerned 2.2% 3
Not so concerned 2.2% 3
Somewhat concerned 19.1% 26
Very concerned 36.8% 50
Extremely concerned 39.0% 53
Homes and property values
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all concerned 3.7% 5
Not so concerned 8.8% 12
Somewhat concerned 22.1% 30
Very concerned 33.8% 46
Extremely concerned 31.6% 43

5. How concerned are you about impacts to different types of public infrastructure, thinking about the hazards listed in Question 3?

Drinking water, sewer and storm system
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all concerned 1.5% 2
Not so concerned 1.5% 2
Somewhat concerned 8.8% 12
Very concerned 32.1% 44
Extremely concerned 56.2% 77
Transportation (roads, bridges)
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all concerned 0.7% 1
Not so concerned 4.4% 6
Somewhat concerned 10.9% 15
Very concerned 34.3% 47
Extremely concerned 48.9% 67
Buildings (library, fire station)
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all concerned 1.5% 2
Not so concerned 12.4% 17
Somewhat concerned 32.1% 44
Very concerned 35.8% 49
Extremely concerned 17.5% 24
Community services (schools, hospitals, recreational facilities)
Response Percent Response Count
Not at all concerned 1.5% 2
Not so concerned 8.8% 12
Somewhat concerned 22.6% 31
Very concerned 33.6% 46
Extremely concerned 33.6% 46

6. What personal behaviors are you willing to change to reduce Alameda's greenhouse gas emissions? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Reduce air travel 32.1% 43
Drive less 76.1% 102
Compost and recycle more 77.6% 104
Retrofit your home: install insulation, replace gas appliances with electric appliances 53.7% 72
Eat less meat and/or dairy 65.7% 88
None of the above 10.4% 14

7. If you are not likely to make personal behavior changes, what is the biggest reason why?

Response Percent Response Count
Too inconvenient 0.8% 1
Already made all of the above changes to lifestyle 26.4% 33
It doesn't seem important, or that it makes a difference 6.4% 8
Too expensive 1.6% 2
I am likely to make one or more personal changes 64.8% 81

8. Should the City use taxpayer dollars to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? (Ex., installing electric vehicle charging stations in public parking lots)

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 66.9% 91
Not sure 19.9% 27
No 13.2% 18

9. Should the City use taxpayer dollars to address climate-related threats? (Ex., building levees on low-lying sections of our shoreline to protect against flooding)

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 75.7% 103
Not sure 15.4% 21
No 8.8% 12

10. Can we notify you about upcoming opportunities to participate and provide input on the City's Climate Plan?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 91.0% 122
No 9.0% 12

12. Anything else you'd like to add?

Name not shown outside Otis Drive
August 24, 2018, 10:53 AM
  • 1. What zip code do you live in?
    No response.
  • 2. How important is it for the Alameda community to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions?
    • Extremely important
  • 3. How serious will each of the following hazards be for Alameda residents in the future?
    • Increased temperatures and heat waves - Extremely serious
    • Increased wildfire (smoke/air quality) - Extremely serious
    • Sea level rise and shoreline flooding - Extremely serious
    • Flooding from rainstorms - Extremely serious
    • Earthquakes - Extremely serious
    • Drought - Extremely serious
  • 4. How concerned are you about each category below, thinking about the impacts of the hazards listed in Question 3?
    • Well-being of future generations - Extremely concerned
    • Public health - Extremely concerned
    • Economic vitality of Alameda community - Very concerned
    • Public infrastructure (roads, parks, etc.) - Very concerned
    • Homes and property values - Extremely concerned
  • 5. How concerned are you about impacts to different types of public infrastructure, thinking about the hazards listed in Question 3?
    • Drinking water, sewer and storm system - Extremely concerned
    • Buildings (library, fire station) - Very concerned
    • Community services (schools, hospitals, recreational facilities) - Extremely concerned
  • 6. What personal behaviors are you willing to change to reduce Alameda's greenhouse gas emissions? (select all that apply)
    No response.
  • 7. If you are not likely to make personal behavior changes, what is the biggest reason why?
    • Already made all of the above changes to lifestyle
  • 8. Should the City use taxpayer dollars to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? (Ex., installing electric vehicle charging stations in public parking lots)
    • Not sure
  • 9. Should the City use taxpayer dollars to address climate-related threats? (Ex., building levees on low-lying sections of our shoreline to protect against flooding)
    • Yes
  • 10. Can we notify you about upcoming opportunities to participate and provide input on the City's Climate Plan?
    • Yes
  • 12. Anything else you'd like to add?

    I think it is crucial that the city address climate change seriously NOW! Alameda is a very vulnerably island surrounded by water. Let’s not become a flooded island!

Open Forum is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Forum is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Not at all serious
Not so serious
Somewhat serious
Very serious
Extremely serious
Increased temperatures and heat waves
Increased wildfire (smoke/air quality)
Sea level rise and shoreline flooding
Flooding from rainstorms
Not at all concerned
Not so concerned
Somewhat concerned
Very concerned
Extremely concerned
Well-being of future generations
Public health
Economic vitality of Alameda community
Public infrastructure (roads, parks, etc.)
Homes and property values
Not at all concerned
Not so concerned
Somewhat concerned
Very concerned
Extremely concerned
Drinking water, sewer and storm system
Transportation (roads, bridges)
Buildings (library, fire station)
Community services (schools, hospitals, recreational facilities)

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