A draft Specific Plan has been completed for the Main Street Neighborhood at Alameda Point, which covers approximately 108 acres, located south of the Alameda Main Street Ferry terminal and north of the Town Center and waterfront land surrounding the Seaplane Lagoon, as shown on the adjacent map.
The Specific Plan is the culmination of over 10 years of planning work for the Naval Air Station Alameda’s redevelopment. and represents over 10 years of planning work.
The plan lays out the visions for how the new development, open spaces, and streets will be designed to create a pedestrian friendly, transit supportive mixed-use residential area.
Completing this survey is just one of the ways to provide comments about the plan. Below are two upcoming meetings where you can also provide input:
Here is a link to the complete Draft Specific Plan and the webpage that provides the background of the planning effort for the Main Street Neighborhood.
This topic has 390 visitors and 102 responses.
That's 5.1 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.