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Please share your thoughts about transportation issues in the City of Alameda to help with future planning for the city.

311 registered responses

Please rate each of the following transportation issues in Alameda using a 5 point scale, where 5 = Major Issue and 1 = Not an Issue (you can use any number between 5 and 1).

Not enough bus service for trips within Alameda
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Major Issue) 15.8% 49
4 21.2% 66
3 31.2% 97
2 14.8% 46
1 (Not an Issue) 15.1% 47
Traffic congestion at island crossings at rush hour
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Major Issue) 61.7% 192
4 19.0% 59
3 10.9% 34
2 4.5% 14
1 (Not an Issue) 3.2% 10
Traffic from drop-off or pick-up at school
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Major Issue) 25.4% 79
4 29.9% 93
3 18.6% 58
2 15.8% 49
1 (Not an Issue) 8.0% 25
Lack of frequent, fast, and reliable transit service
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Major Issue) 26.0% 81
4 25.7% 80
3 27.3% 85
2 10.9% 34
1 (Not an Issue) 6.8% 21
Poor pedestrian safety
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Major Issue) 38.3% 119
4 25.4% 79
3 16.7% 52
2 11.6% 36
1 (Not an Issue) 6.8% 21
Poor bicycle safety
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Major Issue) 36.3% 113
4 25.1% 78
3 16.1% 50
2 11.9% 37
1 (Not an Issue) 8.4% 26
Hard to get to key transit hubs, such as BART and ferry terminals
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Major Issue) 50.8% 158
4 22.5% 70
3 14.5% 45
2 6.8% 21
1 (Not an Issue) 5.1% 16

Please indicate how strongly you agree with each of the following statements using a 5 point scale, where 5 = Strongly Agree and 1 = Strongly Disagree (you may use any number between 5 and 1).

Alameda should make it easier to walk, bicycle, or take transit to destinations rather than relying on a car
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Strongly Agree) 67.8% 211
4 11.6% 36
3 10.6% 33
2 3.5% 11
1 (Strongly Disagree) 6.4% 20
Alameda should focus on making it easier to drive and park in our city
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Strongly Agree) 19.9% 62
4 16.7% 52
3 22.2% 69
2 20.3% 63
1 (Strongly Disagree) 19.0% 59
More of Alameda’s car lanes should be dedicated to bicycle, transit and walking uses
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Strongly Agree) 33.8% 105
4 19.3% 60
3 15.4% 48
2 11.6% 36
1 (Strongly Disagree) 19.3% 60
More of Alameda’s parking spaces should be dedicated to bicycle, transit and walking uses
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Strongly Agree) 20.6% 64
4 16.4% 51
3 20.9% 65
2 19.0% 59
1 (Strongly Disagree) 22.5% 70
Alameda should make it easier for students to walk, bike, or take transit to and from schools
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Strongly Agree) 58.2% 181
4 17.0% 53
3 14.8% 46
2 4.2% 13
1 (Strongly Disagree) 5.1% 16
I would use a bike share system in Alameda (Bike share is an on-demand bike rental system for the general public)
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Strongly Agree) 15.1% 47
4 11.6% 36
3 25.4% 79
2 18.0% 56
1 (Strongly Disagree) 28.6% 89

Would you support or oppose a new BART station located in the City of Alameda?

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly support 47.6% 148
Somewhat support 21.9% 68
Somewhat oppose 7.4% 23
Strongly oppose 13.5% 42
Mixed / Don't Know 9.6% 30

Would you use locally-sponsored free buses (supplementing existing AC transit) serving BART, ferry terminals and Alameda shopping?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 73.2% 227
Maybe 19.4% 60
No 7.4% 23

If yes or maybe, about how often do you think you would use this free shuttle?

Response Percent Response Count
Weekly or more often 53.0% 158
A few times (1-3) per month 30.2% 90
Less than once a month 10.1% 30
Never 3.4% 10
Don't know 3.4% 10

Please indicate how strongly you agree with each of the following statements using a 5 point scale, where 5 = Strongly Agree and 1 = Strongly Disagree (you may use any number between 5 and 1).

I would support higher sales or property taxes to improve transit, bicycling and walking conditions in Alameda
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Strongly Agree) 33.4% 104
4 27.7% 86
3 15.1% 47
2 9.6% 30
1 (Strongly Disagree) 13.8% 43
I would support higher sales or property taxes to pay for locally sponsored free buses (supplementing existing AC transit) serving BART, ferry terminals and Alameda shopping
Response Percent Response Count
5 (Strongly Agree) 32.2% 100
4 25.4% 79
3 17.4% 54
2 10.6% 33
1 (Strongly Disagree) 13.8% 43

Additional comments or suggestions:

Name not shown inside ALAMEDA CITY
October 28, 2016, 3:35 PM
  • Please rate each of the following transportation issues in Alameda using a 5 point scale, where 5 = Major Issue and 1 = Not an Issue (you can use any number between 5 and 1).
    • Not enough bus service for trips within Alameda - 1 (Not an Issue)
    • Traffic congestion at island crossings at rush hour - 2
    • Traffic from drop-off or pick-up at school - 2
    • Lack of frequent, fast, and reliable transit service - 2
    • Poor pedestrian safety - 4
    • Poor bicycle safety - 5 (Major Issue)
    • Hard to get to key transit hubs, such as BART and ferry terminals - 3
  • Please indicate how strongly you agree with each of the following statements using a 5 point scale, where 5 = Strongly Agree and 1 = Strongly Disagree (you may use any number between 5 and 1).
    • Alameda should make it easier to walk, bicycle, or take transit to destinations rather than relying on a car - 4
    • Alameda should focus on making it easier to drive and park in our city - 3
    • More of Alameda’s car lanes should be dedicated to bicycle, transit and walking uses - 4
    • More of Alameda’s parking spaces should be dedicated to bicycle, transit and walking uses - 2
    • Alameda should make it easier for students to walk, bike, or take transit to and from schools - 4
    • I would use a bike share system in Alameda (Bike share is an on-demand bike rental system for the general public) - 2
  • Would you support or oppose a new BART station located in the City of Alameda?
    • Strongly support
  • Would you use locally-sponsored free buses (supplementing existing AC transit) serving BART, ferry terminals and Alameda shopping?
    • Yes
  • If yes or maybe, about how often do you think you would use this free shuttle?
    • Don't know
  • Please indicate how strongly you agree with each of the following statements using a 5 point scale, where 5 = Strongly Agree and 1 = Strongly Disagree (you may use any number between 5 and 1).
    • I would support higher sales or property taxes to improve transit, bicycling and walking conditions in Alameda - 2
    • I would support higher sales or property taxes to pay for locally sponsored free buses (supplementing existing AC transit) serving BART, ferry terminals and Alameda shopping - 2
  • Additional comments or suggestions:
    No response.
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5 (Major Issue)
1 (Not an Issue)
Not enough bus service for trips within Alameda
Traffic congestion at island crossings at rush hour
Traffic from drop-off or pick-up at school
Lack of frequent, fast, and reliable transit service
Poor pedestrian safety
Poor bicycle safety
Hard to get to key transit hubs, such as BART and ferry terminals
5 (Strongly Agree)
1 (Strongly Disagree)
Alameda should make it easier to walk, bicycle, or take transit to destinations rather than relying on a car
Alameda should focus on making it easier to drive and park in our city
More of Alameda’s car lanes should be dedicated to bicycle, transit and walking uses
More of Alameda’s parking spaces should be dedicated to bicycle, transit and walking uses
Alameda should make it easier for students to walk, bike, or take transit to and from schools
I would use a bike share system in Alameda (Bike share is an on-demand bike rental system for the general public)
5 (Strongly Agree)
1 (Strongly Disagree)
I would support higher sales or property taxes to improve transit, bicycling and walking conditions in Alameda
I would support higher sales or property taxes to pay for locally sponsored free buses (supplementing existing AC transit) serving BART, ferry terminals and Alameda shopping
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