Please write down any thoughts about the preferred bikeway options for each segment of the Central Avenue study area.
The purpose of this "complete street" concept proposal effort is to make Central Avenue safer and more convenient and comfortable for all roadway users – people in cars, crossing the street, riding a bicycle or bus as well as truck drivers. Each corridor has its own unique needs, demands and existing conditions that are better understood through community outreach and listening to Alamedans as is currently occurring for the Central Avenue corridor between Pacific Avenue/Main Street and Sherman Street/Encinal Avenue. In general, complete streets no longer just provide easy and fast access via automobiles but also focus on safe travel for Alamedans who want to bicycle, walk and take transit.
For the bikeway approach, the consultant/staff team considered cycle tracks similar to the shoreline bikeway, buffered/protected bike lanes similar to parts of Robert Davey Jr. Drive, conventional Class II bike lanes similar to Broadway as well as Class III bike routes similar to Oak Street by the Main Library and the status quo/do nothing. Staff would like community members to comment on the preferred bikeway options for consideration.
See more information about the Central Avenue Complete Street Concept Proposal