Subscribe to Tompkins County Community Engagement
Ithaca Tompkins International Airport Traveler Survey
How can Ithaca Tompkins International Airport (ITH) enhance the overall travel experience for its passengers?
2024 Budget Feedback
Please provide your feedback regarding the 2024 Tompkins County Budget.
RPS - Public Safety Community Dashboard
What data should be on a new public safety community dashboard?
RPS - Co-Response Model - Measuring Success and Outcomes
Tompkins County is piloting a co-response model that will send mental health professionals with law enforcement officers on calls related to mental health crises. How should the success and outcomes of the program be measured?
Public Information
How can your local government improve communications with the public?
Inclusive & Innovative Recruitment & Retention of Law Enforcement
What recruiting and retention strategies should the City and County use to help increase the diversity of law enforcement units? Please share strategies that address immediate needs to fill open law enforcement positions and / or long term goals to help diversify the law enforcement units.
Budget Software Implementation