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2024 Management Analyst Speaker Series Post-Survey

How did the series help you connect, learn, or collaborate, and what valuable or inspiring insights did you gain?

Aportaciones sobre el próximo jefe de bomberos de Redwood City

¿Le gustaría dar su opinión sobre el próximo Jefe de Bomberos de Redwood City?

Residential Parking Permit Survey

The City is reviewing the permit parking program in your area. Please help us shape the program to meet the neighborhood’s needs!

Encuesta de políticas de vivienda de Redwood City

Encuesta de políticas de vivienda de Redwood City

Redwood City Rental Housing Policy Survey

Redwood City Rental Housing Policy Survey

Fire Department Community Satisfaction and Service Priorities Survey ES

¿Cuáles son sus principales prioridades y esperanzas para el Departamento de Bomberos de Redwood City, que da servicio a Redwood City, North Fair Oaks y San Carlos?

Fire Department Top Priorities and Hopes Survey

What are your top priorities and hopes for the Redwood City Fire Department, which serves Redwood City, North Fair Oaks and San Carlos?